The American Mathematical Society (AMS) is the association of professional mathematicians whose interests lie in promoting mathematical research and scholarship. In 2005, the AMS published and adopted a policy on ethical guidelines by which their members should follow.

The AMS states that their reason for adopting an ethical guideline policy is so that their society has an atmosphere of mutual trust and ethical behavior, for the prosperity of science research. These guidelines are not only for members of the AMS, but for those in the entire mathematical community. The society is clear to state that this is not a complete list of ethical issues and are simply guidelines, not rules. While they cannot enforce these guidelines, they can issue consequences for individuals that violate these guidelines.

The four main topics in these guidelines are

  • Mathematical Research and its Presentation
  • Social Responsibility of Mathematicians
  • Education and Granting of Degrees
  • Publications

I found the social responsibility section most interesting within these guidelines. The MAS promotes “unrestricted dissemination” of all mathematical research. Within mathematical research, there is a possibility on working on classified data, particularly for the government. The AMS acknowledges that there may be instances where one cannot publicize their research due to security concerns but encourages its members to resist excessive secrecy. They also state that if their work will in some way impact public health, safety, or general welfare, that mathematicians are ethically responsible to disclose this information. In the case of retaliation, the AMS will look into helping whistle-blowers. Above all, the AMS promotes their members to share their work with the public and be open and honest about its implications.